Well, we have received our call so it is official that we are going on a mission to serve in the Cebu City Philippines Temple as ordance workers. We have had to update all of our medical records, get shots and take pills in prep to go. Besides all the shopping to take the requested number of items. We will be entering the Mission Training Center (MTC) on Monday May 3. We will be at the MTC for two weeks and then Fly to Cebu via, San Francisco to Hong Kong then to Cebu. Our two weeks at the MTC is a week doing missionary study and then a week at the Provo Temple to be better prepared to do the Temple work we have been called to do.
We are very excited to go. About the only thing about this call that isn't exciting is the speaking at Church, and we do that on the 25th, there will be a little get together at the house afterwards. HyDee and Eric are planning to take us to Ogden on May 1 and we will spend the weekend together with Kristina and Leon and then someone will take us to the MTC and drop us off.
Recipe of Ultimate Net crepe
4 years ago
yeah mom and dad!!! We are so excited to hear you talk in church and for this wonderful opportunity. WE LOVE YOU!!!